You have to do shadow work alone
Recently I was talking with a friend about their journey with Shadow Work, and they said they had to do shadow work alone. That is one of the biggest misconceptions around Shadow Work out there, and a very damaging one as well.
I spent years feeling like I had to lock myself away, and that my healing was too volatile or something was wrong with me.
But really, it was me falling back into my Inner Teen coping skills and reliving my teen years when I was experiencing alienation and rejection from at home(which bled into my school life due to my stepsister and drama). The isolation, the unhealthy coping skills, the deep "need to belong" wounds scraped wide open... Yet I still thought I was healing.
Isolation is not solitude.
Isolation is not healing.
It's a trauma response.
The notion you have to lock yourself away from the outside work and others to heal is a very disconnected and hyper-independent mentality, which is honestly one big trauma response. And the idea that you have to be alone because you aren't healed enough is so shame inducing.
Humans are inherently social creatures. Connection isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a need. We are wired for community, for support. And when it comes to Shadow Work, connection is a vital part of the healing process.
Don’t get me wrong, solitude has its place. Sometimes, we do need quiet moments to process, to rest, to reflect. I cherish those moments myself. But my deepest healing has always come through connection—whether it’s leaning on a trusted friend, working with a practitioner, or being guided by my therapist.
Healing is not a solitary road. We thrive in the presence of others, in the safe spaces we create together.
You deserve connection.
You deserve community.
You deserve support.
So, if you’ve been telling yourself you have to do this alone, I invite you to challenge that belief. Healing is hard enough without carrying the weight of isolation. You don’t have to bear it alone.
Reach out. Lean in. Let the shadows soften in the light of connection.
You are worthy of being held.
Are you ready to dive into Shadow Work? If so, let's have a chat. Book your free 20 minute call to see if we vibe, and what offerings I have available. I have options available for almost every budget!