Internal Resource
1. Positive Memories: Think of a moment in your life when you felt safe, calm, or joyful. Describe the memory in detail and note how you feel when you think about it.
2. Strengths and Qualities: What personal qualities or strengths have helped you get through difficult times? (e.g., resilience, kindness, creativity, sense of humor)
3.Mindfulness and Imagery: Imagine a safe place in your mind. What does it look, feel, or sound like? Describe it in detail
4. Positive Self-Talk: What reassuring words or phrases help calm you during stress? Write out 5
External Resource
1.Trusted People: Who are the people in your life that you can reach out to for support?
2. Soothing Sensory Experiences: What physical sensations or activities bring you comfort? (e.g., the feeling of a warm blanket, petting an animal, a hot bath)
3. Grounding Objects: Do you have objects that help you feel safe or calm when you hold or see them? (e.g., a stone, crystal, or meaningful piece of jewelry)
4. Nature and Movement: What activities in nature help you feel connected and grounded? (e.g., walking outside, sitting by water, being in the sun)
5. Personal Sanctuary: Is there a physical location or place in your home you feel most at ease or grounded?