Paired Muscle Relaxation Reflection
Which muscles felt the most tense during the exercise? How did they feel after the relaxation process?
Were there any muscles or areas of your body that were harder to relax? What do you think may be causing the tension?
How did your body and mind respond to the process of tensing and releasing your muscles? Did it help shift your overall stress level?
What differences did you notice in your body before and after the exercise?
How might you use this technique in your daily life when feeling tense or overwhelmed?
Body Scan Reflection
As you scanned your body, what physical sensations did you notice? Were there any areas of discomfort, warmth, or calm?
Were certain parts of your body more difficult to bring awareness to? Why do you think that was?
Did you notice any changes in your emotional state as you became more aware of your body?
How did the body scan meditation help you connect with or release any stored tension or emotions?
How can practicing body scans regularly help you tune into your body’s needs and emotional state?